Soil Facts

Information on Septic Systems & Soil

Septic systems are used out in the areas of larger communities where a treatment plant is not available. They safely dispose of wastewater from bathrooms, laundries, and kitchens. They must be properly used and maintained by the homeowner.

The most commonly used septic system in NC is a 3 part system. You will need a septic tank, a drain field, and soil surrounding and underneath the drain field. In most cases, you will need a designated repair area as well.

After being held in the tank, the liquid will flow out to the drain field. This is where the soil helps the process, as it is your land that filters and cleans the liquid through the natural filtration process of the soil.
opening in ground for septic tank

Contact Our Septic Specialists in the Heart of Greenville, NC

The best soil conditions are gently sloping land that is thick and permeable to allow for deep water tables. The soil should not be saturated or wet to touch. In some cases, a pump is needed to get to these soil conditions to provide optimal drainage.

Because of the over 400 different kinds of soil we have here in NC, one lot of land can have several different types of soil in it. It is best to obtain an Improvement Permit before picking a site to build on. If an IP is obtained, you will then need a Construction Authorization before a Building Permit can be issued.


This is to help outline most questions, but please feel free to contact us if you have any other concerns or questions. Jim's Liquid Waste Hauling LLC is here to help you understand the importance of your septic system and how, if done properly, it will not harm our environment and will work well for you, the homeowner, for years to come. We currently serve the Greenville & Williamston, NC areas. 

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